New wave of trade war is going to set our attention turned to US stock market in the nearest future. Of course, as every new turn of trade war has a very strong influence on American stock market – the more China is pushed, the greater the influence on the greenback is going to be, the more damage American markets are going to take. But today it is not case.
As another set of American tariffs on China are imposed and have taken full power, we see the booming growth in American stock market. It is especially reflected in the performance of Apple and Facebook. We see that both of the companies are getting more per-share price than we could hope and expect. That leads to the grows of Dow Jones and that leads to the growth of the shares themselves – it’s a cycle as you can see.
Of course futures for Dow Jones have fallen which means that we can’t put too much hope into the stock market of USA but today the growth is staggering and missing out on Apple and Facebook surge would be a pretty big mistake. Despite the falls that, as we can see, were taken by the shares in the end of last week, there is a very strong recovery. And it is pretty possible that it is here to stay.
What are you going to have to do with the shares of these two companies? Our trading signals are going to tell you everything you need to know!