Besides the whole ordeal with Johnson, we have another troubles on our hands.
Donald Trump.
And this time we are not talking about the inner policies of Trump or his overall behavior and not even about trade war. We are talking about a political scandal that prompted the speaker of American Parliament Nancy Pelosi to initiate an impeachment prosecco for the President. And, surprisingly, despite hot water the Donald Trump finding himself in right now, we can see that the situation in the USA is not getting worse and more strained. If anything this helped USD to surge to the highest point in almost 2 weeks.
Yes, despite the political turmoil and overall bad situation in American economy, it seems that nothing can stop USD from the growth against major peers now. At least that is the first impression from today’s performance of the greenback. Unexpected for everyone, the greenback is really surging and really pressing on the markets. That means that the markets are not only getting the pressure from the situation itself, but from the greenback as well.
With the greenback growing we might be sure that euro and GBP are going to feel the impact pretty soon.
Use your trading signals to be in the know on the matter.